# 2023

# May

# 26th May 2023

Turn of the Tide premiered today on Netflix. Fully edited in Final Cut Pro.

Created by Augusto de Fraga. Edited by Marcos Castiel (Ep's 1, 2, 5 & 7) and Pedro Ribeiro (Ep's 3, 4 & 6).

You can read the full case study.

Blood & Gold premieres today on Netflix. Fully edited in Final Cut Pro.

Edited by Knut Hake.

Sex O'Clock premieres today in Czechia. Episodes 3, 6, 9 and 10 was cut in Final Cut Pro by Jiří Fiala (the other episodes were cut in Adobe Premiere).

FCPXMLs were sent to DaVinci Resolve for colour grading and X2Pro was used to send AAFs to ProTools for mixing. The sound designer was very impressed with the neatness of the timeline.

Everyone's talking about Final Cut Pro for iPad.

Here's a collection of some of the great Final Cut Pro (for iPad) YouTube videos:

Chris at LateNite has also announced Transfer Toolbox on Twitter, allowing you to convert Final Cut Pro (for Mac) libraries into Final Cut Pro (for iPad) projects.

He also discovered that Final Cut Pro (for iPad) can actually read files from an external SSD.

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