Motion Variables
On this page is a list of tokens you can use in Apple Motion to display metadata in Motion Templates, that will also appear in Final Cut Pro.
This was originally discovered on this blog.
Special thanks to F•X Mahoney from FCPxTemplates.com for his help correcting this page!
F•X Mahoney notes on 9th Dec 2023:
One new thing I found out today— if you use
, it provides the name of the original project - that is - if you duplicated a project,sourceName
actually provides the source project it was duplicated from. (Accidental find - totally surprised.)
You can also download an example Motion Template effect.
The output of the effect looks like this in Final Cut Pro 10.6.6 (created in Motion 5.6.4):
The below table contains all the tokens in the order they're shown in the above screenshot:
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